The Petersburger collected from the condemned fighter compensation for a labor knockout

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The Moscow regional court considered a civil case in claim the Petersburger Lubnevsky Yvan to Rustam Rafikov about collecting compensation of moral harm and the lost earnings. Dispute details opened on November 24 in the joint press service of vessels Saint Petersburg. In January, 2020 of Rustam Rafikov beat Lubnevsky Yvan in a communal flat corridor. It struck to the victim six blows to the head and when the man fell to all fours, continued to beat a foot on edges. On May 24, 2022 the fighter sentenced to 3 years of conditional imprisonment. Lubnevsky Yvan asked court to collect from the offender compensation of moral harm in a size...
Rustam Rafikov
Last position: Chairman (Yanaul district district court Republic of Bashkortostan)
Lubnevsky Yvan