Kostromskoy museum preserve declared the stock "We Winter Together" Useful initiatives following the results of meetings: in Day of rendering the free legal aids Eugenie Petrovich Zimnyakov carried out a reception of citizens

@MK.RU Kostroma
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The press service Kostromskoy museum preserve yesterday, on November 21, declared the beginning of the new ekologo-photographic stock "We Winter Together". The residents of Kostroma loving the nature are offered to establish winter birds feeders within this action and to photograph the maximum number most her unusual visitors. Is admissible to photograph also feeding troughs through certain periods to show a bird's dining room "in operation". The taken pictures together with the questionnaire of the participant of the action should be sent on an e-mail address: zimuemvmeste@yandex.ru. competitions will estimate photoworks of jury...
Eugenie Petrovich Zimnyakov
Last position: Director general of JSC INTERAGRO