Prinze Luxembourg Guillaume and the pregnant princess Stefanie with the son landed a beech in Fishbakh

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Guillaume, Stephanie and Charles took part in National day of trees. Photo: Text palace press service: Kusikova Olga> on November 19 in Luxembourg celebrated National day of trees. This year in Fishbakh, one of 12 municipalities of the region Myullertal (Global geopark Myullertal Specialized establishment United Nations concerning education, sciences and cultures), with the assistance of the hereditary Grand Duke Lubxembourga Guillaume, the hereditary great duchess Stefanie and the prince Charles was planted 50 beechen trees. For action all family chose the corresponding images: on the duke there was a brown sheepskin coat and beige jeans, on the duchess, which now...
Kusikova Olga
Zhozef Zhan-Filipp
Guillaume Marie