The trend on growth of rates on credits will remain until the end of the year

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Photo: The Chief of service of crediting JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "POST BANK" Shalamov Vyacheslav declared Freepik trend preservation on growth of credit rates in the next months, report daily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya". According to him, growth happens because of increase in rates on deposits, and also because of an unstable situation in national economy and the increased credit risks. This trend can remain in the country until the end of the year and even for the first quarter 2023. Other expert, the chief of managements credit products Open joint-stock company "Promsvyazbank" Rustam Rafikov, declared that his organization estimates expediency of change of rates. The decision will be passed...
Rustam Rafikov
Last position: Chairman (Yanaul district district court Republic of Bashkortostan)
Shalamov Vyacheslav