Sputnik: to Latvia demolished a monument to the founder of the republic Svemp

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To Latvia by anniversary of declaration of the republic the authorities Municipality of Gulbene demolished a monument to one of founders Latvia to Nikolay Svemp, writes Sputnik Latvia. Gettyimages.ru Is specified that the monument was on the northern suburb of the settlement of Stameriyen, on it was written: "From here, from Vargalsky mills, on road specified by Nikolay Svemp to severovidzemsky guerrillas in the winter of 1943 — 1944 went Sudmalis Imants and Maldis Skreya". The monument passes in the government list at number 44 and is designated as a monument to the Latvian guerrillas to Sudmalis Imants and Maldisu Skree, which...
Maria Zakharova
Last position: Director of the department of information and press (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation)
Sudmalis Imants