More than 4000 Tyumen drivers were deprived of the rights this year

@GTRK "Region-Tjumen'"
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for violation of the rules traffics this year of the driver's license were deprived by the solution of vessels of 4000 residents of Tyumen. According to the senior inspector on performance of the administrative legislation OGIBDD UMVD Russia on Tyumen Galina Subbotin, 377 of their number still did not hand over the document in management. The inspector explained that the driver deprived of the right of managements by the vehicle, after the introduction of the resolution of vessels in validity, is obliged to hand over within three days the driver's license in bodies of traffic polices. In case of loss of the document it is necessary to submit the application to the same time...
Galina Subbotin
Last position: Actress (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Sankt-Peterburgsky akademichesky theater named after Lensoveta")
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