In Ufa awarded the best workers of various professions of the republic

@GTRK "Bashkortostan"
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Among awarded by the Certificate of honor Republic of Bashkortostan and our colleague — the editor of the Moskovsky Komsomolets V <11> Bashkortostane newspaper, the host of the program "Messages. Interview" Valieva Svetlana. Pirogova is awarded the order the infectiologist of the Ufa policlinics by the No. 43 Zinatullina Liane. The medal of the award "For Merits before the Fatherland" of the II degree marked out the well-known kuraist Aitkulov Azat. The rank "The honored artist Russian Federation" is appropriated to the painter Ignatenko Sergei. The national actress Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, legendary Nuria Irsaeva received today an award Yulayev Salavat. To the Vrachu-akusher-ginekologu of the third maternity...
Nuria Irsaeva
Main activity:Cultural worker
Valieva Svetlana
Zinatullina Liane
Aitkulov Azat
Ignatenko Sergei
Administration Heads of Republic
Government Agency