The veteran PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY INSURANCE COMPANY "ROSGOSSTRAKH" from Ivanovo Region Kochin Boris Nikolaevich is awarded the Letter of thanks of President of the Russian Federation

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Kochin Boris Nikolaevich, the veteran of the Great Patriotic War and the oldest insurance agent from the agency center "Ilyinsky" of Ivanovskoye of branch PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY INSURANCE COMPANY "ROSGOSSTRAKH" is awarded the Letter of thanks of President of the Russian Federation — for merits in development spheres of insurance services and honest work. The letter the oldest Russian insurance companies handed over to the veteran the director of the branch PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY INSURANCE COMPANY "ROSGOSSTRAKH" to Ivanovo Region Sokolova Julia and the head of the Ilyinsky municipal area Sergei Ivanovich Vasyutinsky. Before arrival to PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY INSURANCE COMPANY "ROSGOSSTRAKH" Kochin Boris Nikolaevich headed garment factory in Ilyinsky rayon. And in 1979 became insurance agent the Gosstrakh...