Thomas Khittslsperger about ChM-2022: "FIFA sold to Qatar the right month to show to the whole world the picture of what it is not. It is simply disgusting"
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Thomas Khittslsperger rigidly spoke ChM-2022 in Qatar. "You see the world in which we live: we sold to Qatar the right within a month to show to the whole world the picture of what it is not. It is not simply sad, it is disgusting. The worker from Nepal told me that saw how people fainted from a heat. Them for an hour moved to the room to bring round, and then again sent to work. People died in these conditions, but in documents wrote: "Died in a dream". The government claims that the slavery does not exist, but actually it still practices. There are many things, about...
Thomas Khittslsperger
Last position: Assistant to the trainer (Football club "Shtutgart")