Biography Sergei Mikhaylovich Slonimsky and grandmother mermaid: passed a pitching of animated films

@RIA Novosti
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© Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti" / Aleksey Kudenko Moscow, 14 Nov — Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". Internal protection of unique author's animation national movies took place in the media group international information agency "Rossiya segodnya". Among the tapes applying for financing of Fund of cinema the biography of the composer Sergei Mikhaylovich Slonimsky. The project is called "Elephant". It was presented by M.I.R studio. The tape is based on personal diaries of the composer, his children's drawings, interview and letters. "We will try to make this movie very positive. The person it was with improbable sense of humour and a past huge vital school" — the director Oksana Cherkasova told...
Aleksey Kudenko
Last position: Press photographer (Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti")
Sergei Mikhaylovich Slonimsky
Main activity:Cultural worker
Oksana Cherkasova
Last position: The deputy, the secretary, the member of the committee by the legislation (Legislative Assembly of the Kaluga region)
Anton Dyakov
Last position: Animator, director, screenwriter, artist
Bisyarina Nina