An educational marathon by day of the employee of law-enforcement bodies Russian Federation

@Rostovskij filial RPA
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On November 10, 2022 at the Rostov institute (branch) of VGUYU (RPA OF MINISTRY OF JUSTICE THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION) the chair of the theory and history of state and law carried out an educational marathon All-Russian youth educational forum "Territory of meanings", dated for Day of the employee of law-enforcement bodies Russian Federation. As organizers of action acted: managing theory and history of state and law chairs Cand.Jur.Sci., the associate professor Apolsky Ye. A. and Cand.Jur.Sci., the associate professor, Cand.Jur.Sci., Kozhenko Ya. V.. Within an interactive educational marathon children battled in knowledge of rules of law and historic facts in the sphere of providing national security, legality and...