Soccer. Lyudas Rumbutis: it is a pity that the second league is not so rich in such teams, as "Krumkachy", Dolbizno, "Zhodino-Yuzhnoye"

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The Belarusian football player known in the past Lyudas Rumbutis shared opinion concerning a final in the second league. "Krumkachy" will refuse an exit in the first league and will continue performance in the second When tribunes near a field, when it equal, when work of the announcer and judges normal when fans give such support when their energy adjusts players — it healthy and pleasantly. And it, unfortunately, often does not suffice to us. We also have to aspire to it. And in general, would not tell that any duplicating structure would reach this final. In my opinion, it is excluded. It is a pity that the second...