MEMORIES Benediktov Stanislas

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On November 10, 2022 the sore news came — Benediktov Stanislas died. One of indisputable leaders domestic theaters which history was become forever by the scenographic images created by it... Benediktov Stanislas — the artist romantic warehouses, rare gift at modern theater, fortunately, yet relic, after all romanticism anywhere did not leave art and does not leave, each time arising, as if a mythological bird the Phoenix. Benediktov Stanislas was always specific in creation of space of game, but thus in its effective truthful scenery other reality — reality which it is possible only is created also...
Aleksey Borodin
Last position: Artistic director (RAMT)
Tatyana Selvinskaya
Last position: Manager of theatrical office of MHTU of memory of 1905
Benediktov Stanislas
Mikhaylov A. A.