In Egypt the bus failed to the river canal, 20 people were lost

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On November 12, 2022, 16:11 — Public news service — OSN in the north Egypt in the province Governorate of Dakahlia happened large road accidents to participation of the bus which At-Taufiki's Are Rich at water-collecting station Aha fell to the canal. About it writes information retrieval system "Rambler". According to information published in the Al-Masry Al-Youm newspaper, as a result road accidents 20 people were lost, from them seven children, 16 more were traumatized. Accident happened on road between the cities Mansura el and Mit Ghamr. According to the newspaper, the reason of road accidents became disbalance of a steering wheel. The bus driver managed to jump out. In the bus there were more than 45 passengers. On this...