The movie "Show fight" shot on the Pilot Babushkin

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Some scenes from the movie "Show fight" in the early nineties shot around movie theaters "Orion" on Pilot Babushkin Street. About it reported in The Grandma Our Everything — Babushkinsky group of a social network of VKontakte. "In a shot Dymov Andrey runs out to look for a taxi in hope to catch up with Masha departing to Sweden, and behind the back of it ours movie theater" — it is noted in the message. The movie "Show fight" in a genre the social drama came out in May, 1992. This picture narrates about tragic love of the young soloist of a popular tineydzherovsky pop group Dymov Andrey and so young, but quite skilled and professional "priestesses...
Victor Volkov
Last position: Film director, screenwriter, actor, producer
Dymov Andrey