Soccer. Lyudas Rumbutis about MTZ-RIPO: on papers everything was excellent, and is real — a full miss. To what it led — all know

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Rostislav Sinitsky, telling in new number "PB" story Lyudas Rumbutis, provides the story of the ex-football player about work within the MTZ-RIPO project where that was a director. The businessman Vladimir Romanov called in the fall of 2004, offered work in MTZ-RIPO... I refused because "Daridu" should have pulled out from a bog. I had contract with club. But after a while all of us began to work with Vladimir Romanov. On the one hand, it was interesting to cooperate with it, and with another — it is difficult. Never you know that it can make. But rich people, probably, all such. At it was to Belarus good...