To Armenia it is planned to open school with Russian-speaking training - the minister

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Arminfo. To Armenia it is planned to open school with Russian-speaking training. About it on November 7 during parliamentary hearings, devoted the draft of the state budget the countries of 2023, was declared by the minister of educations, nuki, culture and RA Vagram Zhora Dumanyan. He noted that considerable inflow to the country of citizens Russian Federation is observed in recent months, and the question of training of their children becomes more than obvious. The minister emphasized that with the Russian colleagues on this project there are active discussions. The most important question, Vagram Zhora Dumanyan noted, consists in integration children of Russians in the Armenian society...
Sergey Lavrov
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation)
Alain Simonyan
Last position: Vice-chairman (National assembly of the Republic of Armenia)
Vyacheslav Volodin