In the Belgorod philharmonic hall the pianist Klyuchko Alexander

@Mir Belogor'ja
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Action will take place on November 11 at 19:00 in the Big hall within the program MINISTRY KULTURY Russian Federation "The All-Russian philharmonic seasons". Under management the honored worker of arts Russian Federation Nigamatullin Rashit will be the soloist at a concert of the Symphonic orchestra the winner of the international competitions Klyuchko Alexander. The pianist was born in 2000 in Saransk. Studied in STATE-FINANCED INSTITUTION OF PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION OF THE MOSCOW CITY "MGKMI NAMED AFTER F. SHOPENA", at the Parisian Normal school music (a class Rena Shereshevskaya). Now – the student of Moscow state conservatory P. I. Tchaikovsky's name of P. I...