Today birthday of the head, auditor, actor, poet and telestar

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Today, on November 7 celebrates the birthday Oktyabrina Nikonov, the auditor of Audit Chamber Sakha (Yakutia) Republic. In the same day 56 years to Pripuzov Oleg Alekseevich, to the head of GBO Sakha (Yakutia) Republic "the Yakut RESPUBLIKANSKY PSYCHONEUROLOGY DISPENSARY" were executed. Today 71 years to Semenov Kirill Mikhaylovich, to the actor theaters and cinema, to the honored artist of Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, to the translator were executed. On November 7 it was executed 67...
Oktyabrina Nikonov
Last position: Auditor (Audit Chamber of the Sakha Republic)
Pripuzov Oleg Alekseevich
Semenov Kirill Mikhaylovich
Prachev Sergei
Yermakov Vladimir