Hockey. Roman Graborenko signed contract with Polish "Union". He will sign the anti-war declaration

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The Belarusian defender Roman Graborenko signed contract with Polish "Union". The agreement with the 30-year-old player is calculated until the end of a season with a trial period in one month - the club press service reports. In last season the ex-defender of "New Jersey" acted for Kazakhstan "Arlan" (11 (3%2B8) points in 18 matches of "regulyarka" and 7 (1%2B6) points in 13 meetings play-off). "Union" which one more Belarusian Dyukov Roman supports, goes on the second place in the table of the championship Poland...
Roman Graborenko
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey (LLC "XK "Neftekhimik")
Dyukov Roman