General director PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "FOSAGRO" Andrey Guryev took part in the next meeting of Coordination council of RSPP on counteraction Koronavirus

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Moscow. On April 15, 2020 Director general PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "FOSAGRO", the member of Bureau of Board of RSPP Andrey Guryev took part in the next meeting of Coordination council of RSPP on counteraction Koronavirus (further - Council). Meeting took place on April 14 of this year in the mode "conference koll". The chairman of the board, the president of RSPP Aleksandr Shokhin in the performance told about the work done by body for the last week. "For this period at the initiative of the working groups were initiated a number of addresses to the address of Coordination council at Government of the Russian Federation on counteraction of the new...