PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "FOSAGRO" took part in conference "Low-carbon development Russian Federation. Role businesses", the organized Chamber of commerce & industry Russia, chamber of commerce & industry RF with support of Presidential Administration

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Moscow. April 28, 2021. The deputy director generals PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "FOSAGRO" on finance and to the international projects Alexander Fedorovich Sharabayko took part in climatic conference "Low-carbon development Russian Federation. Role businesses". The conference organized by Committee Chamber of commerce & industry Russia, chamber of commerce & industry RF on environmental management and ecology with support of Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, took place on Tuesday, April 27. As her moderators Chamber of commerce & industry Russia, chamber of commerce & industry RF on environmental management and ecology Oleg Borisovich Pluzhnikov and the director of INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION "IPEM" Youri Saakyan acted the vice-chairman of Committee...
Sergei Nikolaevich Katyrin
Last position: President (Chamber of commerce & industry of the Russian Federation)
Vladimir Ivanovich Padalko
Last position: Vice-president, director of the department of external relations and work with business councils
Oleg Borisovich Pluzhnikov
Last position: Director of development (LLC "NOPPPU")
Dimitri Nikolaevich Kurochkin
Last position: Vice-president (Chamber of commerce & industry of the Russian Federation)