Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia" rejected suspicions in circumvention of sanctions at sale shares in Fortenova

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Bank insists that the share in Fortenova was sold lawfully, however in companies declare that do not know about the transaction. In companies considered that sale can regard as attempt to bypass sanctions. The source of LLC "Frenk advertising group" declared: "It is necessary to be able" Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia" %2B0,21% to Buy SBER ₽125,75 the Photo: Shatilo Wladyslaw / daily business newspaper "RBK daily" Sale Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia" shares (43%) in one of the largest Croatian retailers of Fortenova meets the international legal norms and standards, violations in the transaction were not, declared daily business newspaper "RBK daily" in the credit organization. "As the buyer the large investor from United Arab Emirates acted. Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia" received all sum within the transaction 31...