Planting of trees and flowers, cleaning of territories and collecting old electrical equipment: "United Russia" Party held ecological actions in regions

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In Krasnodar deputies of municipal duma from party Natalia Alsheva and Baranov Roman organized a large-scale action in the Moscow residential district. On crossing of streets Solar and Kotlyarova. Deputies, public men, activists of primary offices of party and employees of UK"Yuzhnaya" planted more than 50 new trees. To apple-trees which appeared within the first stage of an action, added new saplings of a catalpa, maples field and yasenelisty, willows curly-headed and serpentine. "This territory needs attention. There is a big ground which we want to turn into a full-fledged green zone for inhabitants of the residential district...
Natalia Alsheva
Last position: Deputy, chairman of committee on questions of economy, trade, agriculture, business, investment policy and informatization (Krasnodar City Council)
Ashot Khblikyan
Last position: Deputy
Baranov Roman
Sheykina Vera
"United Russia"
Political ideology:Centrism, liberal conservatism, etatism