Hens die: dangerous flu found on Sakhalin Region

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Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, on November 2, online portal "Citysakh.ru". The dangerous virus — bird flu, was found in serum of blood and corpses of birds about JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "POULTRY FARM "OSTROVNAYA". About it reported in Department of the Federal Service for veterinary and phytosanitary surveillance on Primorsky Territory and Sakhalin region and Sakhalin Region. (Photo: information agency "REGNUM") As told online portal "Citysakh.ru" in AGENCY FOR VETERINARY SCIENCE AND ANIMAL BREEDING OF THE SAKHALIN REGION: all necessary conditions for ensuring safety residents of Sakhalin are at present created. Including, the plan of action directed on elimination of the center of an infection is developed. "At the enterprise necessary conditions for providing are created...