"I do not understand much". The Bulgarian volleyball player answered a question of a political situation

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The captain combined Bulgaria on volleyball Sokolov Tsvetan, supporting "Dynamo" (Moscow), told that thinks concerning the current political situation. "Now I do not want to say that occurs. I — not the politician, much in it do not understand. There are people who understand the matters, let them and speak. I want to play volleyball and to help command to win. It is my work" — Sokolov Tsvetan in conversation with the correspondent of "Championship" Kolodkina Sophia told. Full interview to Sokolov Tsvetan read in "Championship" here: Earlier it became known, in what state there is a doigrovshchik...
Sokolov Tsvetan
Kolodkina Sophia
Leon Wilfredo
Football club "Perudzha"
Main activity:Culture and sports