2006. The theatrical house of "OYKUMENA" presents to the prime minister - the performance "LIBIDO" (the comedy lost)

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Man and Woman. Mysterious force of an inclination. Riddle … Destiny: there is a wish to swallow, choke and swallow. Light, cheerful subject of fixing on the libido... elements of desires and inclinations... chaos and trouble... with its traumatic concentration in the head - the most affected body … The libido is a fate, which always with you. New, demonic experience of theatrical action! Research of human emotions: ability to get new sensual experience, scooping it from subconsciousness depths. Dreams: the outlet, underground of the forced-out inclinations - "imperial is expensive" to subconsciousness... Seriously - not...
Julia Chebakova
Last position: Actress (Mkhat named after A. P. Chekhova)
Alexander Golubkov
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Theater na Maloy Bronnoy")
Ilya Barabanov
Last position: Actor
Alexander Mikhaylovich Stroev
Last position: Actor (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Sankt-Peterburgsky youth theater")