The last day works the Diet in final reading made amendments to the law "About Elections in the European parliament", reports Sputnik. Now the bill provides that the mandate of the deputy Evroparlamant cannot have

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The last day works the Diet in final reading made amendments to the law "About Elections in the European parliament", reports Sputnik. Now the bill provides that the person found guilty only on established categories of criminal offenses - heavy and especially heavy cannot have the mandate of the deputy Evroparlamant. New amendments provide that the persons condemned for any criminal actions, and also faces who after January 13, 1991 continued activity in Communist party of the USSR or Latvia cannot be eurodeputies. The initiator of amendments - "New Unity...
Tatyana Zhdanok
Last position: Deputy from Russian Union of Latvia party
Neal Ushakov
Last position: Deputy, participant of Group of Progressive alliance of socialists and democrats
Lochmele Regina