, Inc. will be turned into series by the animated film for adults "Full raskolbas"

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The online movie theater of, Inc. will release series Foodtopia on the basis of Set Aaron Rogen "Full raskolbas" (Sausage Party). About it on October 26 reported Collider portal. Actors will participate in implementation of the project except Set Aaron Rogen Sera Michael, Kramkholts David, Kristen Carroll Uig and Edward Harrison Norton which sounded characters in an original picture. Them will join Orvill Uillis Forte-IV, Sam Richardson, Rotuell Natalia and Lester Yasir. It is noted that show is already started in production, will direct which together with Set Aaron Rogen Goldberg Evan (" Neighbours. On a war track"). The premiere of Foodtopia is planned on...