Khilok district district court Zabaykalsky territory pronounced a sentence on criminal case about illegal storage of firearms and ammunition

@Novosti prokuratury RF
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Prosecutor's office Khilok district Zabaykalsky Krai supported in court the state charge on criminal case concerning the 46-year-old inhabitant of page Glinka. He is accused of commission of the crimes provided p.1 by Art. 222 (illegal storage of firearms and acquisition of ammunition), p.1 by Art. 222.1 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (illegal storage of explosive substances). In court it is established that the man during the period illegally got from June 10 to June 15, 2015 a cut carbine and the 4th banks of gunpowder which transferred and stored in a barn in a place of the residence. Besides, during the period from September 10 to September 11, 2021 it illegally got...