Larissa Dolina arranged skirmish with the young singer of Mia Boyka on air of the show "Fight of Generations"

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The known Russian singer Larissa Dolina squabbled with the colleague on jury of the show "Fight of Generations" Maria Boyko, known under the pseudonym Mia Boyka, trying to explain to the young actress that is important in music. Incident happened during telecast air. The idol of youth praised performers of collective of GAYAZOV$ BROTHER$, having noticed that among people the timbre of a voice which clings is now appreciated. The valley interrupted the colleague on shop, having declared that it was always appreciated. Maria Boyko was not confused under the pressure of more skilled and senior actress, having declared that she lives in this time and judges on that...
Larissa Dolina
Last position: Manager of chair of variety and jazz singing (MOSCOW CITY GOSUDARSTVENNY HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION KULTURY)
Maria Boyko (Mia Boyka)
Last position: Singer