To Republic of Khakassia events for protection of the population are held regularly — the authorities

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Republic of Khakassia declared the authorities that in the republic events for protection of the population are held regularly. As reported information agency "REGNUM" on October 21 in the republican MINISTRY OF PROPERTY AND LAND RELATIONS OF THE REPUBLIC OF KHAKASSIA, the head of Minimushchestvo Eugenie Borisovich Tarasov and the acting chief of Administration office on Grazhdansky to defense, emergency situations and fire safety Republic of Khakassia Petruk Vitaly Olesya Molchanov took part in selector meeting under the chairmanship of the deputy administrator of Federal Agency for State Property Management. The meeting was held within execution of an assignment President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. To Republic of Khakassia it will be created...
Eugenie Borisovich Tarasov
Olesya Molchanov
Last position: The head of department of restructuring of the state organizations and management of the privatized assets (Federal Agency for State Property Management)
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
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Petruk Vitaly
Shilov Yvan