Danila Kozlovsky will act as the director of the movie "Dakar"

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It became known that LLC "Studio "Trite" Nikita Mikhalkova" entrusted the next project Danila Kozlovsky. Danila Kozlovsky becomes the director of the new movie "Dakar". The project while is at a development stage since 2019. About the preparing movie "Dakar" began to speak three years ago. LLC "Studio "Trite" Nikita Mikhalkova" received a subsidy for project development from cinema Fund, but a plot of future history did not begin to open. At that time said that a director's chair Sidorov Aleksey, known according to the movie "T-34" and to the franchize will occupy "Shadow-fighting". It is remarkable that it was declared by the screenwriter of the project. However, company did not specify, in what degree...