"It only began" — 5 million Italians could not pay for ZhKU

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Nearly 5 million Italians for the last nine months at least once passed payment for housing-and-municipal services. Data were obtained by results of the opinion poll which has been carried out to order of a site Facile. it, are reported by the correspondent of information agency "REGNUM". According to 62% of defaulters, they for the first time passed payment of accounts. According to the president of the union of industrialists Italy Confidustria Carlo Bonomi, it occurred because of "awful expenses on energy". However, it only began. Because of a rise in prices for energy carriers the average Italian family in 2023 should pay more than 4,7 thousand euros for...
Carlo Bonomi
Last position: President (Confindustria)
Davide Tabarelli
Last position: President (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Shilov Yvan
Brunell T.
Franko K.