The festival Dimitri Aleksandrovich Khvorostovsky in Krasnoyarsk will finish performance of the art director of Mariinsky theater

@Kontinent Sibir' Online
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In Krasnoyarsk from October 8 to October 23 passes the traditional festival devoted to memory of the opera singer Dimitri Aleksandrovich Khvorostovsky. In one of final days of action the art director and director general will step on the stage of regional philharmonic hall together with a symphonic orchestra Mariinsky theater, the conductor Valery Gergiev. Valery Gergiev will direct performance of the Symphonic orchestra of Mariinsky theater in a big hall of Krasnoyarsk regional philharmonic hall at 19 o'clock on October 22, organizers of action reported. Besides, on October 20 within a festival in Krasnoyarsk theater operas and...