Ryatyu: work I for Russians, would depart the first flight

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The trainer of goalkeepers of the women's national team of China told about a situation in "Kunluna" after February 24. Noora Ryatyu, the ex-goalkeeper of a national team Finland, acted five years for "Red Star". "In one day we were going to leave, in another – were going to remain. We started being guided by that the men acting in KHL" are going to do, – transfers Ryatyu Helsingin Sanomat's words. As the woman claims, the club management at some instant declared that if someone else will leave, the team should be disbanded. "Heads arrived cleverly and started pressing on pity. I did not want to become that...
Noora Ryatyu
Last position: The professional athlete of the Women's national team of Finland on ice hockey (Moscow city State academy choreography)