The Finnish hockey player threw out from the Sochi Municipality of Bar

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Photo: open source. The Finnish hockey player threw out from the Sochi Municipality of Bar to Noora Ryatyu threw out from a toilet the Sochi Municipality of Bar for inadequate behavior and uproar. The girl still remembers this history since 2014. On October 15 Noora Ryatyu shared the experiences with public concerning the unpleasant incident which has occurred nearly 10 years ago, namely during Winter Olympic Games 2014 to Sochi. About it reports portal. Then the ice-hockey team of Noora in which she takes a place of the goalkeeper, suffered defeat before team Sweden. That all team will recover from loss went in...
Noora Ryatyu
Last position: The professional athlete of the Women's national team of Finland on ice hockey (Moscow city State academy choreography)
Lyapunova Catherina