Other dairy coast

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Danone S. A — the largest player in the world market of dairy products, is going to reduce businesses to Russian Federation where is present since 1992. Company began transfer controls over local production dairy products and some vegetable drinks that can reduce the cost of its assets for the sum up to €1 billion Business on release of baby food to Russian Federation transaction will not mention. Analysts while consider as the probable scenario transfer of assets to management with possibility of return. Photo: Kharseev Oleg, newspaper "Kommersant" Danone began process of transfer operational controls over the Russian business the dairy...
Andrey Beskhmelnitsky
Last position: Chairman of the board of directors (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "DANONE RUSSIA")
Artem Belov
Last position: CEO (Soyuzmoloko)
Kharseev Oleg
Karasso Isaak
Gabyshev Dimitri
Main activity:Production of food
Main activity:Production of food