In court will solve, whether the debtor without property can leave borders of the country

@Parlamentskaja gazeta
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In Supreme Court of the Russian Federation meeting in the matter of the bankrupt businessman with debts on 22 million rubles to which bailiffs forbade to go abroad for rendering helps sick mother will take place. In instance will solve, whether such restriction is lawful, tells to "Pravo.R". The citizen which name is changed by portal edition on Orlov Petr, pays according to court orders, however the small sums. According to in Federal Bailiffs' Office — on 200, 500 rubles that, according to a department position, is incommensurable to total amount of a debt. Nevertheless it could challenge the decision...
Valentine Nikolaevich Aleksandrov
Last position: The chairman 3 judicial structures of Judicial board on administrative cases (Supreme Court of the Russian Federation)
Irina Abakumova
Last position: The judge of Judicial board on administrative cases (Supreme Court of the Russian Federation)
Orlov Petr
Fedorova Tatyana