In STATE BUDGET CULTURAL INSTITUTION MOSCOW "MOSKOVSKY THEATER NA TAGANKE" the premiere of the musical "Petya and the Folk will take place. Secrets of the worlds"

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The Academic chorus of the Russian song of radio "Orpheus", the Academic Big concert orchestra of a name of Silantyev will be involved in large-scale statement. Leading roles will be played by popular actors of musicals – Julia Dyakina and Alexander Kazmin. Premier displays are appointed to 8 and 9 noyabryaavtor: Alexander Kazmin...
Julia Dyakina
Last position: Actress
Alexander Kazmin
Last position: Actor, singer
Aleksey Borisovich Frandetti
Last position: Chief director (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Moscow city State theater "Lenkom")
Simonova Veronica
Zubets Andrey