Saint Petersburg State budget cultural institution "Sankt-Peterburgsky akademichesky theater named after Lensoveta" lets out performance on verses Marshak Samuel for children

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On October 23 and 30 premier displays of the performance "Marshak Samuel — Marshak Samuel" at Saint Petersburg State budget cultural institution "Sankt-Peterburgsky akademichesky theater named after Lensoveta" will take place. The director Romanova Maria puts performance as fairy tales Marshak Samuel for kids in one action. (6%2B) Performance is constructed as follows: five fairy tales poems Marshak Samuel are spread out for three actors ( Anna Goldfeld, Margaret Dyerdyevna Ivanova, Dmitry Khasanov). Actors will be able to try and a clownery genre, and supervision over animals. The central place in statement is taken by the text Marshak Samuel which Russian Federation Sergei Migitsko sounds in performance performed by the national actor. "Here what disseminated"...
 Anna Goldfeld
Last position: Actress (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Sankt-Peterburgsky akademichesky theater named after Lensoveta")
Margaret Dyerdyevna Ivanova
Last position: Actress (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Sankt-Peterburgsky akademichesky theater named after Lensoveta")
Dmitry Khasanov
Last position: Actor (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Sankt-Peterburgsky akademichesky theater named after Lensoveta")
Sergei Migitsko
Last position: Actor, TV host
Mikhail Boyarsky
Last position: Actor