The actress from Novosibirsk Borzina Julia acted in the criminal drama with known actors
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As the director and the screenwriter of a picture the inhabitant Goryachy Klyuch under the pseudonym Red Ray acted, it played a leading role in the movie. On September 22 the movie "Promise" which shootings took place in Krasnodar Territory in November, 2021 was released. In the criminal drama such well-known actors, as Chadov Andrey, Kamenshchikov Oleg, Bezrukova Irina and Oleg Aleksandrovich Metelev played. Together with them the actress took part in shootings from Novosibirsk Borzina Julia. "On the country highway the black catafalque rushes. Unexpectedly it is cut by a van from which the armed people run out and under sights of machine guns take away at...
Pavel Priluchny
Last position: Actor
Oleg Aleksandrovich Metelyov
Last position: Actor (State independent cultural institution KK Krasnodar city drama theater)
Borzina Julia
Chadov Andrey
Kamenshchikov Oleg