The Petersburg basketball players began a new campaign behind a title

@Peterburgskij dnevnik
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BQ "Zenit" for the first time entered a season in the rank of the champion of Uniform league of Public joint-stock company "Bank VTB". Fans wait for new progress blue-white-blue. Whether on forces to the updated team again to win gold medals? Before season opening "Zenith" celebrated victories in a traditional Cup Vladimir Kondrashin and Belova Alexandra and the Supercup of Uniform league of Public joint-stock company "Bank VTB". In both tournaments in the finals Petersburgers got the best of the main competitor – TSSKA. The MAIN LEAGUE in the conditions of discharge of the Russian clubs from Eurocup competitions they can concentrate all forces on the championship of Uniform league of Public joint-stock company "Bank VTB", keeping the international status. In...