federal roads "Kolyma" rolled up 52 "problem" kilometers in asfaltkapitalno repaired sites handed over in the territory Sakha (Yakutia) Republic Today, on October 10

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Photo: information agency "YASIA" Four sites of federal highways "Kolyma" Yakutsk – Magadan with a general extent of 52 km were put into operation by federal road builders. All sites are in the territory Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, on a piece Nizhny Bestyakh – Churapcha. "During capital repairs pieces were brought to parameters IV of technical category with 90th on the 135th km and with 142nd on the 149th km. As a result throughout the route from the item Nizhny Bestyakh to the village Churapcha the asphalt concrete covering" is laid, - Uprdor "Vilyuy" is reported on a site of FKU. Earlier there was a transitional (soil) type of a covering that in an impassability of roads complicated...