Bank plans to submit the bankrupt claim to companies "the Network Coherent"

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PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "SOVKOMBANK" published on an appropriate resource the plans to address with the bankrupt claim to LLC "SET SVYAZNOY". the application can be submitted to arbitration court after October 17, 2022, transfers REGNUM news agencies. From a bank name in the unified federal register of legally significant data the application "about intention to appeal to arbitration court with the statement for recognition of LLC "SET SVYAZNOY" (PSRN of 1 057 748 288 850 INN 7 714 617 793) insolvent (bankrupt)" is submitted. The message appeared for the second day after end of the moratorium on initiation of the corresponding productions. The moratorium to Russian Federation...
PJSC Sovcombank
Main activity:Finance
Main activity:Communication and IT
Main activity:Retail trade
JSC Svyaznoy Group of Companies
Main activity:Wholesale trade