Theatre on Bronny lets out a premiere for children in the text Nicholas Nikolaevich Nosov

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On November 4, 5 and 6 in Theatre on Bronny there will take place a premiere of the children's performance "Dunno" directed by Labutina Helena. The first premiere of a season 2022-2023 at Theatre on Bronny becomes children's performance according to the known trilogy Nicholas Nikolaevich Nosov about Dunno. Heroes of work – inhabitants of the Flower city, "kids and babies". Over statement the actress and the director Labutina Helena, the graduate of GITIS of 2006 (a workshop Kudryashov Oleg) works. As the director "Fanny Bell's Lodge" where let out five performances cooperates with private nurseries theater. In "Dunno" young actors of troupe are occupied: Grigory Vernik...
Maria Yanycheva
Last position: Actress (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Theater na Maloy Bronnoy")
Denise Zaynullin
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Theater na Maloy Bronnoy")
Grigory Vernik
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Theater na Maloy Bronnoy")
Elizabeth Bazykina
Last position: Actress
Andro Simonishvili
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Theater na Maloy Bronnoy")