The series about a karma and regeneration "Loaders" left at online movie theater

@MK.RU Vladimir
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Since October 14th the 4-serial tragicomedy will be available in social networks of VKontakte and Social network "Odnoklassniki", and also on the Youtube RuTube and YouTube. The project is created "Akvilon by media" (Akvilon media) with support Institutes developments Internet (INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION "IRI"). The series are thought up and shot by brothers Yershov Alexander (the director, the scriptwriter) and Philipp Romanovich Yershov (the leading man, the coauthor of the scenario). "Loaders" - their author's view of a reincarnation subject. What the human soul after death worries? Whether life in a new body is possible. And how to correct all mistakes made in this life. "In our domestic...