Burial service Tamara Yufa will take place in Alexander Nevsky Cathedral Petrozavodsk

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Burial service Tamara Yufa will take place in the Aleksandro-Nevsky a cathedral on Monday, September 10, at 12-00. On it informs soobshchestov the temple in a social network. Tamara Yufa died in the morning on October 6 on the 86th year of life. Tamara Yufa was born in Lipetsk Region, in 1956-1960 studied in the Leningrad art and pedagogical school. Since 1960 Ladva Karelskoy taught at school the settlement the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, and in 1964 moved to Petrozavodsk, having forever connected the life and creativity with Republic of Karelia. In MINKULTURY declared that Tamara Yufa made an invaluable contribution to development fine arts Republic of Karelia...