Big theaters discharged actors because of departure for tours to day off

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Big theaters decided to discharge ten leading actors of performances because of uncoordinated tours in Uzbekistan. The relevant decision was made by the managing director of ballet troupe Makhar Vaziev, writes Telegram-kanal Mash. Actors Wladyslaw Lantratov, Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich Lopatin, Stashkevich Anastasiya, Krysanova Catherina, Lobukhin Mikhail, Evgeny Obraztso, Maria Aleksandrov, Catherina Shipulina, Ruslan Skvortsov and Volchkov Alexander went to Tashkent by the invitation the local MINISTRY KULTURY. According to the edition, dancers visited Uzbekistan in the day off at helps fund of the pianist...
Makhar Vaziev
Last position: Head of ballet troupe (Bolshoi theater Russia)
Wladyslaw Lantratov
Last position: Ballet dancer (Bolshoi theater Russia)
Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich Lopatin
Last position: Ballet dancer (Bolshoi theater Russia)
Maria Aleksandrova
Last position: Ballet dancer
Mariinsk city theater
Main activity:Culture and sports
Government Agency