The author of the most known illustrations to the epos "Kalevala" died to Republic of Karelia on the 86th year of life

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Tamara Yufa also created illustrations to fairy tales Khristian Gans Andersen and the Finnish writer Zacharias Topelius, to the Karelian fairy tales and many other known literary works Petrozavodsk, on October 6. information agency "ITAR-TASS". One of the most known artists of Republic of Karelia, the author of the most known illustrations to the epos "Kalevala" Tamara Yufa died on Thursday on the 86th year of life. Arthur Parfenchikov "Chapter of Republic of Karelia. Today Republic of Karelia lost the great artist. Tamara Yufa, the Honored artist Russian Federation, the national artist of Republic of Karelia, the person of exclusive talent died. Her hand...
Tamara Yufa
Main activity:Cultural worker
Arthur Parfenchikov
Last position: Head (Government of the Republic of Karelia)
Khristian Gans
Main activity:Culture and sports